The Festive Season and its Challenges

Published on Friday, 18 December 2020 at 10:49:29 AM

As we enter the festive season for 2020 things are looking brighter post COVID-19 with ABS data indicating Australia is officially out of a recession. GDP rose 3.3 percent over the September quarter, mainly driven by increases in household spending and spending on services.

However we know that not everyone is finding the post pandemic world as rosy as these figures would predict.  We wanted to remind everyone, moving into the festive season, of a range of financial assistance and advice options available.  You can access that information here.

We know that the festive season can often be difficult for individuals and families for lots of reasons, not just relating to financial challenges.  This might be especially true in 2020 due to significant challenges that have affected us all in different ways – mentally, emotionally physically and financially.  There are a lot of resources available to support you.  Locally we have Henri Nouwen House (if you are not sure who or what this service is please click here).

Sometimes we all need a helping hand, its ok not to be ok at times!  Just reach out if you’re not doing so great.  Healthline recently published a great article highlight 9 ways to manage ‘the holiday blues’ which you can read here.

And the state government mental health commission have a great website where you can view a range of assistance and services which you can view here.

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