Liquid Waste Facility Temporary Closure and Future Plans

Published on Friday, 26 August 2022 at 2:17:04 PM

The Shire’s liquid waste facility has been temporarily closed due to capacity being reached. This has occurred due to the recent heavy rains rapidly filling the pond. Arrangements are currently being made to undertake a transfer to another facility to allow the Shire to reopen our facility as soon as possible. There are a number of compliance issues to be addressed as part of the transfer and the expected timeframe is 3-4 weeks.

The Shire considers these seasonal facility closures an important community issue and it has been treated as a priority. Last year, the Shire undertook extensive detailed modelling of the facility’s performance over a 20-year projected period with a number of solutions investigated. Ultimately a system using 2 x 250kl covered tanks to hold excess winter volume to be released back to the pond in summer was selected.  This solution was chosen on the basis of it being the most cost-effective while also addressing the performance problems.

Before construction could proceed, the proposed tanks and related infrastructure required approval and site license amendment by the environmental regulator (DWER). Obtaining approval took an unexpectedly long time, undergoing a number of design changes during the process before final approval was received in July this year. This regrettably resulted in the planned works not able to be completed before the 2022 winter. Site works will begin when the current wet ground conditions improve and the Shire is in the process of arranging other required materials and contractors for the project. Completion timeframe will depend on contractor availability, however, the Shire is aiming for Nov/Dec this year.


What Do I Do With My Waste In The Meantime?

Liquid waste from our Shire is still accepted at other facilities and there are a number of contractors that will perform the service.

We are unable to provide recommendations, however, below is a list of relevant contractors;

E-Teq Resources – 0427 411 404

South West Septics – 0418 914 209

Sandgroper Contracting – 0403 487 894

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