Funding Opportunity for Community Groups

Published on Wednesday, 22 February 2023 at 4:13:35 PM

As part of the native forest transition process the Western Australian Government has committed to an $80 million Native Forest Transition Plan.

A pillar of the transition plan is support for industry and communities with one of the proposals being a ‘Community Small Grants Fund’ which is described as “funding to support projects that aim to stimulate regional economies and create liveable communities in the native forest regions”. 

The Community Small Grants (CSG) Fund will be offered via two funding rounds, with the first round opening on 20 February.  Community groups, organisations and small businesses will be able to apply for grants of up to $100,000 for projects that aim to stimulate regional economies and create liveable communities in the native forest regions. To read more about the Community Small Grants fund, the step-by-step Guidelines and FAQ’s please go to:  The South West Development Commission (SWDC) will be holding workshop in early March in Manjimup, Nannup, Bridgetown and Greenbushes to support potential applicants.

Application forms are available online on the website.

More information about the Native Forest Transition Industry and Community Development Programs can be found in the attached document and at:

The SWDC team in the Manjimup office are available to assist with enquiries and/or to discuss projects and can be contacted on 9777 1555 or

A Native Forestry Community Advisory Group, chaired by the member for Warren Blackwood Jane Kelsbie MLA has been established to advise on projects seeking financial assistance through the $4 million Community Small Grants Fund.

Although the areas impacted by the Government’s decision to end the logging of native forests are wide it is evident that the greatest impacts have occurred in the Warren Blackwood Region, and more specifically within the communities of the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Manjimup and Nannup.  It is our hope and expectation that these impacts will be recognised when the determination of successful grant applications under the Community Small Grants Fund occurs.  Therefore we are encouraging our local community organisations/groups to consider submitting an application once the first funding round is opened.

Notwithstanding the holding of workshops by SWDC next month the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes is keen to assist in its own way its local community organisations/groups in preparing an application.  Whilst the Shire can’t write the applications it is able to help by providing advice and assistance in interpreting the funding guidelines and putting together a quality application.

Accordingly the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes last week emailed all its community groups inviting representatives of those groups to attend a Shire Information Session on Monday 27 February 2023 at the Bridgetown Tennis Club, commencing at 5.30pm. If you are a member of a local community group and wish to hear more about the assistance the shire can provide you are welcome to attend.

This session should be concluded by 6.30pm. 

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