Lotterywest Grant Funding – Bridgetown & Greenbushes Railway Stations Restoration Project

Published on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 at 8:00:00 AM

We received some good news from Lotterywest last week!  Our grant application for $282,500 towards the redevelopment of both railway stations was successful. 

This funding compliments the investment received from the state government of $200,000 and the federal government of $499,000.  The total project value is $1,064,000.  The total income secured is $981,500 with the balance of $82,500 being funded by Council (along with the project management costs).

This project (comprising both railway stations) is one of Council’s Growth Strategy Projects and was identified by the community as of high importance in consultation 2 years ago.  The planning and funding procurement over the intervening years has has been successful and the construction stages can be completed in the 2021-2022 financial year.

 The restoration of these two important historic buildings will allow for economic growth during and after the project.  Outcomes will include preservation of these buildings for contemporary use including office space and (for Greenbushes) the building being relocated to become part of the Discovery Centre. This is an exciting revitalization project that will deliver significant community and tourism benefits.  It will be great to see these buildings come to life again over the coming year.

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